samedi 31 mars 2007


What have I done wrong ?
Would you mind if I died ?
Why don't you care about me ?
How could you do this to me ?
Why am I suffocating ?
Why did you leave me in silence ?
why do you always tell me what you wanna hear ?
Why did fate deceive me ?
Where is my angel ?
Why can't I breathe ?
Do you hear me shout ?
Why can't I forgive you ?
Why did everything turn out so wrong ?
Has darkness taken over me ?
How can you be so blind ?
Can heaven be so cruel ?
How can blood be our salvation ?
What's the reason of all this ?
Why can't I just forget ?
Why am I always scared ?
Why does it hurt so much ?
Where did you go ?
Why am I here, left in silence ?
Why am I so sorry ?
Why am I fading away ?
How could you do this to me ?
Why have I got only frozen memories of you ?
Why can't you just be straight up with honesty ?
Why have I lost all my trust ?
Why am I still calling your name trough my tears ?
Can anybody help me make things better?
Why can't we be together ?
Why can't you love me ?
How could you leave me that way ?
Why haven't I got the strenght to face the wrong that I've done ?
Why do frozen tears turn into my skin ?
What can I do ?
Why is my heart so cold ?
Why is the frost in my heart ?
Why ?

There are questions...
Far too much questions...
Where are the answers ?
I can't find them ...

Blame... excuses... agony... sacrifice... mortal soul... lies... regrets... pain... mistakes... sorrow... fear... frozen... blood... anger... betrayal... guilty... shame...

Orchidée noire

1 commentaires:

Blogger coeur-en-eclat a dit...

Effectivement... beaucoup de questions... peut-être trop ? Allez ma puce... ne pense pas trop aux problèmes, ils sont déjà trop compliqués... il ne faut pas te plonger dedans... sinon c'est la noyade... et tu es bien trop importante pour que je supporte que tu coule !!! je t'aime monstre fort !!! grand comme çaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ztm ztm ztm ztm ztm zzzzztttmmmm

5 avril 2007 à 23:51:00 UTC+2  

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