samedi 11 août 2007

A la lueur de ma flamme, je crève...

Cuts, skin deep, as deep as beauty lies
The blood runs down my face
The pain I keep, it lives as it dies
So trully full of grace

Air, it's gone, but still it fills my veins
My lungs lack what they need
Guilt, it shone, locked down with chains
Once again, I watch them bleed

Innocence, absent, I wanted to be set free
But they kept me behind bars
My mind, has bent
The pain is in me
But it's all hidden behind these scars...

Orchidée noire

2 commentaires:

Blogger Fahrenheit a dit...

tu fais de la pub pour des allume gaz??? mdr

10 septembre 2007 à 20:40:00 UTC+2  
Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

People should read this.

10 novembre 2008 à 13:04:00 UTC+1  

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